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Leading Italian brands
Specialists in large format slabs
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Delivery in 4-6 days
Leading Italian brands
Specialists in large format slabs
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Free delivery over £500*
Emporio Surfaces

We hope you enjoy the beauty of our onyx-inspired porcelain tiles, guaranteed to add a touch of luxury to your interior design projects. These premium tiles come from the finest Italian manufacturers and capture all the beauty of natural onyx. They are scratch resistant, do not need sealing and offer the durability and ease of installation that porcelain tiles provide. Remember that all our onyx effect porcelain tiles shown below can be used both for your wall and flooring projects. Use the filters to filter by colour.

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All prices include VAT @ 20%.
Saving up to price shown.*
Discount depending on chosen size.†
Free Delivery over £500 (except slabs)
While stocks last.

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