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Privacy Policy

We care about your privacy


  1. Types of data being processed
  2. Information about your personal information and how long we keep it for
  3. Interacting with us on social networks
  4. Your Rights
  5. Changes to this Privacy Policy
  6. Contact us is a website owned and managed by Porcelain Tiles Ltd. We are a registered company in England and Wales with the company number 05517223. Registered Office is Unit One, 1055 Finchley Road, London NW11 7ES, United Kingdom. VAT Number: GB 867655568. Please read this policy carefully before using this website because it explains how we will process personal information. Using this website indicates that you accept this policy.

1. Types of data being processed

We collect and process various types of personal information via this website, account management and other sources. This personnel information includes:

  1. The information you provide to us when you interact with us whether as a customer or prospective customer.
  2. The information you provide to us when requesting and using our services and our websites, such as your name, company address and email address
  3. The Information we need when you submit a sample request
  4. The Information that is collected by cookies on our websites

Our website may also contain links to other brands websites or social media applications. When you click on such a link to any such websites or applications, please be aware that they have their own Data Protection policies. Please check their privacy policies when using them. Our website can also contain iframes with content of other websites/applications of third parties. We are not responsible for third-party content presented in iframes. The information presented inside iframes is the sole responsibility of those website owners. We have no control or responsibility for the content of independent websites and provide this external content to its visitors for their convenience. As a result, when you visit a page containing such content, you may be presented with cookies from these third-party websites. We do not control the distribution of these cookies. Please check the third party’s privacy policy for more information. Please be informed that we cannot accept any responsibility or liability for third party websites or applications.

2. Your personal information and how long we keep it for

Data protection law sets out several conditions which organisations can rely on in order to lawfully handle personal information. The conditions we rely on are as follows:

Performance of a contract

Depending on the nature of your request some information may be mandatory. This is the case where the handling of your personal information is necessary to enable us to perform our contractual obligations to you. If you do not provide this information we cannot fulfil your request or perform our part of the contract.

Legitimate interests

The law permits we to handle your personal information where necessary in our legitimate interests, provided that this is not outweighed by your interests. Many of the purposes where we handle your personal information, described below, fall into this category as they are essential activities which enable us to run our business efficiently and effectively and to support you as a customer. We may, if necessary, also use your personal information to defend legal rights or to obtain legal advice and to manage any complaint that you might have. We ensure that your rights and interests are protected when we do this.

Required by law

We will, if required by law, disclose your personal information in response to a court order. We will disclose your personal information if requested by a law enforcement agency or where we believe it is necessary to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, non-compliance with our Terms of Service or otherwise as permitted or required by law and consistent with legal requirements.

Your personal information will be processed to administer and fulfil your request, for general administration purposes and for the purposes described below by the company as controller.

We as controller process your personal information as follows:

The information we use

Why we use it

Your name and contact details
(name, email address, phone number, postal address)

To manage our relationship with you, to contact you including for marketing, customer satisfaction surveys and otherwise to help us to improve our products and services.

Your name and contact details
(name, email address)

To send you newsletters and manage your marketing subscriptions and preferences.

Information collected via cookies.

Please see our Cookies Policy for detailed information.

Your name and contact details
(name, email address, phone number, postal address, contact preferences, product and service requests)

To help you set up your account and for the ongoing administration of them.

Call recordings

To manage our relationship with you and for training and monitoring purposes.

The data elements marked with an asterisk (*) on our website are mandatory and a contractual requirement. You are therefore obliged to provide this information. If you do not provide it, we cannot fulfil your request.

Based on your user behaviour by browsing on our website, a pop-in might be shown to you offering options which may be of interest to you.

We will keep your personal information whilst we have an ongoing relationship with you and for up to ten years after our relationship has been. If you have provided your consent for marketing purposes but do not otherwise have a relationship with us, your personal information will be stored for these purposes for three years after your last contact with us.

We will share your personal information for the purposes listed below to the following key recipients:

Where necessary to enable us to perform our contract with you or to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract.

The information we share

Why we share it

Who we share it with

Your name and contact details

For the provision of finance in support of your purchases.


Your name, contact details

To securely process credit card payments.

Credit card payment processors.

Keeping your information up to date

To keep your information up to date and deliver the best service to you we will compare details we hold with information held by the Royal Mail National Change of Address register. Any updated information will be combined with other information we hold to give us the most up to date view of your details and requirements. This will help us to make informed decisions about the reasons why we contact you.

3. Interacting with us via social networks

3.1 Support and assistance via social media

You may contact us also via our Social Media Channels. E.g., if you send us a message or post something on our Social Media Channels, we may use the information in your message or post to follow-up with you on the issue you contacted us for via the Social Media Channel which you used. In order to give you the assistance you requested, we may ask you to provide via direct or private message further information such as details on the issue, name, email, phone. The information you provide will not be used for direct marketing. Please note that you should not include any sensitive data in your post or message. Be aware that if you post something on a public Social Media Channel, anyone might be able to read it.

3.2 Links to social networks

Our website includes links to social networks. In order to protect your personal information while visiting our website we do not use social plugins. Instead HTML-links are embedded onto the website/application, enabling easy sharing onto social media platforms.

For more information on the purpose and scope of data processing and further use of your personal information by the provider and their websites as well as your rights and possible settings to protect your privacy, please refer to the data protection information of the respective service provider.

Facebook –

Google –

Instagram –

LinkedIn –

YouTube –

If you choose to receive marketing from us

By consenting to marketing you agree that your personal details and the information you provide as part of any request, will be processed by the company as data controller, to provide personalised marketing and for market research purposes.

Your information will be processed and shared for the purposes listed below and with the following recipients:

The type of information we use

Why we use it

Name and contact information such as email address, phone number and postal address and any other related information provided to you.

To advise you of our products, services and offers that we think may be of interest to you.

Keeping your information up to date

To keep your information up to date and deliver the best service to you we will share your details with the Royal Mail National Change of Address register. Your personal information will be stored for the above-mentioned purposes for three years after the last contact with us.

We will only contact you for direct marketing purposes where you have given us your consent to do so in accordance with UK GDPR.

If you would like to stop receiving marketing from us

You can withdraw your consent at any time by unsubscribing from any email or emailing, or by writing to us at Data Protection Controller, Unit One, 1055 Finchley Road, London, NW11 7ES, United Kingdom. You should be aware however that withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

4. Your Rights

As data subject, data protection laws give you a number of rights in relation to your personal information. You have the right to access your personal information, to have your personal information corrected (right to rectification) or erased (right to erasure). You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal information, to have it transferred to a third party (right to data portability) in a commonly structured format. You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal information. If you object to your personal information being processed for marketing purposes we will comply with that request. Where you object to other processing, we will consider your request carefully. We do not want to handle your personal information for purposes you do not want us too however, you should be aware that the above-mentioned rights are not absolute and in some circumstances may not apply. You can exercise these rights by sending a request to our Data Protection Controller at, or by writing to us at Data Protection Controller, Unit One, 1055 Finchley Road, London, NW11 7ES, United Kingdom.

You can update your personal information at any time by contacting us as above. We will also take steps to update your personal information (e.g. update your address), if we become aware that it has changed. To exercise your right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority please contact The Information Commissioner’s Office through their website at

5. Changes to this Privacy Policy

All future changes to our Privacy Policy will be posted on this website. You should therefore periodically review these for changes to our Privacy Policy.

6. Contact Us

You can contact us at any time if you have queries regarding this privacy policy at or by writing to us at Data Protection Controller, Unit One, 1055 Finchley Road, London, NW11 7ES, United Kingdom.

Updated: August 2023

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